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Open Art SpaceOffline


OAS 1 minut

A brief one-minute explanation about  Open Art Space project


About Me

Reem Khatib

Visual artist and Director and cofounder Open Art Space


ريم الخطيب

فنان تشكيلي وناشط ثقافي

Works as a theater design (scenography)

Founder and Director of Open Art Space

 An organization that works through programs and projects to enable children and young  people  in Syria

 to interact with contemporary art and help them  to find their own voice

It focuses on the sons of marginalized communities to be positive contributors in the society

Reem is also working on the Shadow Theater project, which is concerned with organizing theater workshops for children and young people

Researcher in cultural policies and a contributor to preparing a study to monitor cultural policies in Syria, which was published in the book "An Introduction to Cultural Policies in the Arab Region".


She is also currently working on research in the field of visual arts, where she publishes many studies on art and artistic education


تركز جهود الخطيب في معارضها الفنية على جلب الفنون البصرية إلى "شوارع الناس" لتكون في متناول أيديهم مع إمكانية التواصل مع شريحة أكبر من الجمهور.


تخرجت من كلية الفنون الجميلة بدمشق عام 1992 وتخصصت في الاتصالات المرئية والوسائط المتعددة.

ثم أكملت دراستها في المعهد العالي لفنون الدراما قسم الدراسات المسرحية ،

 في عام 1994

